I've been promising to paint myself a Medieval army for years now and just never seem to get round to it. I still have some of the Perry's lovely HYW figures gathering dust somewhere. Earlier this week I spent a few days down in Evesham with chums Darren and Andy at Gripping Beast. In between coffee and chatting I found myself once more looking at the lovely collection of Teutonic's that sit in their cabinets. I could resist no more. I already have an unpainted unit of the heavy Knights so I decided to knock up a quick army list. After some horse trading I came away with 2 units of Crossbowmen, and unit of Foot Knights and a unit of Spearmen. I've just spent the past couple of evenings working on the first unit of Crossbowmen which got finished today.
I've decided to go for the "get the units on the table sharpish" approach and so these have been base coated, dipped in Army Painter and then had a couple of highlights added. Job done! I think this has to be the way ahead for me now as there is just not enough hours in the day to spend ages on each figure. And as I'll be fielding them, its not like they'll be on the table long anyway!! ;-)